Everyone you know wants a Parka. The problem is, no one ever knows where to find one. That is the exact same position that we were in in 2020, so we decided to solve the problem. That is how Parkas South Africa was born.
Established in 2020, we've gone through a lot already. It's been a rocky start but here we are. Let's see how it went...
Where we started. Extremely limited stock with great parkas but numerous quality control issues from the supplier. However, this made us realize the great potential and need for Parkas in South Africa.
Our own, locally manufactured Parkas with a choice of your own flag. Great demand, still limited stock and still quality issues from the supplier. Growing pains but getting there.
We've finally got it. Original German Parkas. Great quality, more sizes and more stock. Although stock is still limited, we are slowly expanding. Finally the best parka supplier in South Africa.
We don't just stuff our website with random products. Every product we list on our website is something truly in demand and useful. It takes time to find them, but we are slowly expanding our product line as we learn more from our customers. From slippers and leather whisky and wine bags to baby vellies and overnight laptop bags, you will find something truly unique to compliment your Parka.

If there's one thing we are good at besides Parkas, it's customer service. It is safe to say that we have some of the fastest delivery times in South Africa and some of the easiest and most efficient exchange services. Our customers always come first and we do our best to make the shopping experience as easy and hassle-free as possible.

From struggling with quality and limited stock to the best Parka brand in South Africa, we've come a long way since 2020. Know that if you buy from our store, you are supporting two local guys that just had a vision of making Parkas easily accessible to anyone that wanted one.